Important Purpose Partner Monthly Sales PV Incentive Details

We're currently testing out a new process for our Purpose Partner incentives to make it easier and speedier to redeem and receive your monthly Sales PV Incentives!

(If you earned the March 250 PV reward, you may have already seen a pop-up in your Virtual Office. :) )

What this means is – when you earn an incentive item from our monthly Sales PV Incentives, we will add the incentive DIRECTLY into your personal shopping cart in your Virtual Office!

Here are all the details for redeeming the reward:

  1. You earn the monthly Sales PV Incentive (example: Amazonite Bracelet set + Silver Drop Earrings)
  2. Once the month closes and commissions are paid – we will add the incentive reward directly into your cart!
  3. You log into your Virtual Office and see the (below) pop up alerting you of your reward!
  4. You check out! (You can add any other items you'd like to your cart with the reward.)

Other Important details:

  • Earned product cash/promo codes will continue to be emailed.
  • Other incentives (example: Goodstart, Happy Mail) will continue to be manually shipped.
  • Note: The reward will stay in your cart until you redeem it or it expires.
  • You must redeem the reward by the last day of the following month. The March 250 PV reward needs to be redeemed by May 31 at 11:59 p.m. CT.
  • Shipping applies if your cart is less than the minimum threshold for free shipping.

If you have any issues redeeming your reward, please reach out to our Care Team.