October Letter from Dr. J

Greetings, Awesome Think Goodness and Intuitiv Wellness friends! 

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the power of thinking fast!

Now, of course, this does not mean being reactive.

But rather, it means having a laser sharp focus and the ability to discern what is the best course of action expediently.

Let me clarify!

With the mindfulness movement growing and expanding quicker than ever, being someone who likes to take time and chew on a situation before responding isn’t inherently bad.

In fact, there are plenty of situations where that deliberateness is useful and helps to dissipate stress!

But similarly, there are also other situations where you’ll want to be able to think fast and rapidly — as it can lead to a number of advantages, including:

  • It makes you more efficient in your day to day. The faster you can make decisions and process what’s happening around you, the faster you can work and get things done. Quick thinkers don’t waste time contemplating decisions or mulling over conversations — they act.
  • It can help you develop better problem solving skills. Quick thinkers don’t just think faster — they identify the most important details quickly and use deduction skills to shape their response. Thinking fast can help you analyze each aspect of an issue, without going too deep into analysis.
  • It can help you be seen as smart or clever. Many people who are quick thinkers (and speakers) are seen as intelligent because they always have an answer or insight to share. This is not necessarily always a true assumption, but can be helpful if you’re trying to gain the respect of your peers.
  • It encourages others to rely on you for answers. Similarly to the above, if you’re known to be someone who is a quick thinker, people may start to come to you if they need a fast decision. You’ll gain the respect and trust of your peers because you’ve proven that you can think through an issue quickly and share that knowledge with others. 
  • It makes you feel more confident and comfortable around others. Studies have shown fast thinking makes people feel happier. Add that with the assumption that fast thinkers are clever, and you might see a huge boost in your confidence. If you’re a quick thinker in conversations, you’ll become eager to participate and provide your input.
  • It can help you avoid analysis paralysis. If you’re someone who often feels overwhelmed by decisions, quick thinking could help you overcome the urge to get lost in small details. A quick thinker focuses on the big picture and doesn’t waste time on unnecessary information. 

and remember.... we all know this feeling....

  • When we agonize over a decision, we deplete our limited supply of willpower much more quickly, causing us to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. 

So we invite you to join the community of  those who “ think fast “ and evolve into quick thinkers and take action and feel mentally clear and strong!  This month, try our Get Clear Formula and share with others who might be interested in “upgrading the processor” and feeling mentally balanced and effective!

Dr. J