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Please be advised you MUST be a Brand Partner to enroll a Young Entrepreneur. We do NOT accept Young Entrepreneurs enrolled under Affiliates.

Please choose your relationship to the Young Entrepreneur

Please Read and Agree to the Following : I am the parent/legal guardian of the enrolling Young Entrepreneur (age 11-17) and understand that an IRS 1099 will be sent to the SSN listed on the Partner account and the Young Entrepreneur will not be entitled to receive PV or other monies owed to the Primary Partner account holder. Per the Independent Business Owner Agreement, I accept that I will be fully responsible for the fulfillment of the minor’s responsibilities and obligations and any act by the account holder will be attributed to the minor, and any act by the minor will be attributed to the adult.




We respect the privacy of children, and do not collect any more personal information than reasonably necessary to enable them to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Program. We do not share minor’s personal information with any third party. Please see Section 3 of our Privacy Policy for more details regarding the collection and use of information from minors in compliance with the terms of Privacy Policy.

I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the foregoing and agree that Minor and myself are bound by any Promotion Terms & Conditions which Minor may participate in. I further grant permission, by providing an e-mail address for Minor, for Minor to receive electronic communications from Think Goodness and to communicate via e-email to Think Goodness provided that I will be copied on all electronic communications from Think Goodness to Minor. This consent is effective until I have submitted written notice of termination to Think Goodness.

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The quantity of these products must satisfy the following requirements: